Developed by
GAUSS Institute – Foundation for New Technologies Innovations and Knowledge Transfer Bitola
- Tim Leader: Prof. Igor Nedelkovski, PhD
- Collection and digitization of historical data, photography, web design: Aleksandra Pargovska and Jove Pargovski, MSc
- 3D Modeling and Visualization: Ivana Georgieva, MSc and Angelinka Pargovska, MSc
- Texts: Vlado Gjorevski, Aleksandra Pargovska
- English translation: Marija Stojanovska MSc, Silvana Petrova Nasuh
- Proofreading: Zhaneta Videvska
- Web development and IT Support: Viktor Cvetanov and Filip Cvetanov
- Marketing Consultant: Irena Ruzhin, PhD
- Audio narration: Silvana Petrova Nasuh
- Sign language interpreter: Katerina Sharkovska MSc
- Audio production: Mimi Markovski – Gimel Studio
- Video production: Dreamcast Studio Bitola
- Administration: Vesna Nedelkovska, MSc
- Supervision: Beti Angjelevska, PhD
Мaterials from the following institutions and funds were used during the research:
- National Institution Institute and Museum – Bitola
- State Archive of North Macedonia, Branch in Bitola
- National and University Library “St. Kliment Ohridski” – Bitola
- Macedonian Science Society – Bitola
- Cinematheque of North Macedonia – Skopje
- Private fund of old photos of Dimche Najdov
Interviewed persons for 3D reconstruction of the old theater:
- Adnan Alitovski, stage technician National Theater Bitola
- Aleksandar Sterjovski, Prof. Dr. historian, chronicler of Bitola
- Boris Chorevski, film and theater actor, member of the Bitola National Theater since 1975
- Dimche Najdov, author of the book “Bitola through old postcards.”
- Pande Dimitrovski, producer, journalist
- Pece Lozevski, stage technician National Theater Bitola
- Petar Stavrev, retired journalist and photojournalist
- Vele Veljanovski, stage manager of the National Theater Bitola
- Vlado Temelkovski – Lavchan, historian, retired curator, NI Institute and Museum Bitola
- Residents of the village of Capari while locating the chairs from the Old Theater
Municipality of Bitola
Bul. „1-vi Maj“ No.61
+389 47 208 442